To highlight Federation Peak from The Wilderness Series, our ink of the day for the 6th of January, Belinda utilized it alongside Leatherwood Honey Amber from the Original Colours of Tasmania to paint these two Australian Fur Seals on the rocks at Bruny Island, off the southern coastline of Tasmania. This Ink line and wash painting was painted with Federation Peak for the sky, rocks and sea lions, and blended with Leatherwood for the Fur Seals and rocks. This was done with pen, brush and water, to show off the shading capabilities of Federation Peak.
Federation Peak is a dark ash grey ink with a silvery black-gold sheen. It arguably one of our most vibrant and versatile greys. It is darker than Eclipse from the Midnight Series, and contains more sheen as well. Cradle Mountain Grey from the Original Colours of Tasmania differs noticeably in that Federation Peak is a single dye ink, with little to no chromatography, while Cradle Mountain Grey is a composite of three separate dyes which bleed out into a wide and beautiful chromatography on absorbent paper and when watered. But this makes Federation Peak more useful when shading with water. In medium to wet pens it appears almost black, but van shade down to a very light cloudy grey and even further when watered in artworks.
Inks used: